Simply Ask
Excerpt From September 2006 Open Session
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon
Very strong hearts here in this room today. You are beautiful spirits, and understand you are coming into a period of time upon the Planet Earth where you are going to find that you want to salvage your heart as well. Realize that there are parts of you that you have left behind, and not necessarily in terms of true separation, but rather parts of self you have left behind in the distant past that you now want to bring to the present. You want to find acknowledgment within yourself of everything that is you, was you, ever shall be you, without fear, without concern of repercussions, without concern that God finds you a miserable character, because God loves you very much, and certainly my dear friends it is here today that you will discover this; to come to a greater appreciation of yourself, the divine spirit that you are.
Please for a moment here close your eyes and breathe very deeply into your spine and realize that you have a beautiful characteristic inside of you, a beautiful quality that we would ask that you bring to the surface more and more in each and every moment of each and every day. This, my dear friends, is the ability to love. But love through temperance, through an awareness that you have the opportunity to share love, to speak of it, and to give it freely, not based on any particular situation, a particular conversation, a particular person; not putting a value upon it, but rather sitting in grand appreciation of this truth of self, the divine spirit that you are.
In celebration of this here today, as you close your eyes and breathe again very deeply into your spine, we are going to ask that you simply realize the love within you is right there at the center. It is your balancing rod, if you will. It is what holds you together from the tippy top of your head down to your toes, and from your middle finger on one side to the middle finger on the other, creating a crisscross of energy, and the center point of this is your heart and you, your soul, the vining rose if you will, that climbs up this beautiful cross of love. Now you realize that it is your spirit that incarnates as your soul and your spirit, the grand resource there, is the divine energy, the light, love from God. And it is God’s will for you that you will find peace within your heart. And it is there that you will find God within your heart, and within that relationship you find your peace. Not in your external world, not outside of self, but within your heart.
Everything starts with you. Your reality is created from within. When you are sitting within this understanding of the peace and the love that you are, you will realize that never have you been abandoned upon the Planet Earth. Never, because always are you with God and God is with every spirit upon the earth, every creature, every plant, every stone, everything, and you are a part of all. And so therefore as you work to manifest your life grand experiences, relationships, finding a balance within your home; as you work hard to understand the world and life around you; as you work hard to manifest a glorious existence, realize that you don’t have to work so hard because inside of your heart there is love, and there is God. There is peace and serenity. And as you sit there with this understanding then you can ask your questions: “Dear God, I ask for my life to have new curtains in my home.” Not a petty prayer at all. Just a simple request. And, God bless you indeed, of course you will find that down the road apiece appear the curtains that are beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations, because you my dear friends…you’re not trying to control it, you’re not trying to make it happen if you will, but instead you are surrendering to the very best curtains for your home, surrendering to the gifts that are already granted for your life, rather than struggling to find peace and balance; simply surrender to the very same.
When does it happen? When you make up your mind to change! When you make a decision to be the loving person that you are, and to live your life with peace despite the thunderous roar of wars around you, despite the fears and panic of family members, friends and others, that life is going to be stripped from you. It is impossible because you have been granted the gift of life, and it is there that you already are home.
You are beautiful spirits, students of the divine! And once again, if you will, as you breathe very deeply into your spine, realize that there are quite a cast of characters in the heavens as well as upon the earth, and many are surrounding you with their love. Many want very much for you to understand the peace, the balance, the freedom that you already carry within your heart. They want for it to be revealed unto you, and so as you breathe ask simply the simple question: “Dear God, bring to me my special one, the one who guides me in each and every moment of each and every day.” Feel, watch with your heart and listen…and your special one says unto you, “How can I be of service?” and you find within your heart that you would like to be of service to your special one. Together you create a spiral of love, weaving this love into the fabric of eternity through your willingness to dissolve the illusions of separation. No longer is there a requirement in your life to say, “I’ll do it myself! I can take care of myself! Go away, don’t bother with me!” Instead you say, “Yes, please Father, because I don’t want to do it by myself. I want to create a beautiful existence together. I want to dance the dance of freedom, and by virtue of the fact that I am in the human form I am already granted that as a gift in my life. I want to know my dance, to feel it and experience it.”
As you discover and dissolve the illusions of separation within self and between life you begin to awaken, you begin to realize your own enlightenment. No longer is it necessary to manipulate, to control, but simply to ask.