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Don’t Save
I have a tendency to want to save people before they even know that they...
Failing (Part II)
After high school, I went to college because I never thought about doing...
Where Your Power Is
Excerpt from June 20, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks Session If you truly fall...
There’s Nothing Out of Reach
Excerpt from April 28, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session When you start to...
You Count in Your Own Life Because You are Living It!
Excerpts from June 20, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session The world likes to...
Failing (Part I)
My daughter was 7 years old, in second grade, and her teacher called us...
A Heartfelt and Vulnerable Sharing
Dear Everyone, Thank you in advance for reading this. I hope that it is...
Why Wait to Celebrate Your Life?
Excerpts from March 4, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session These are precious...
Enjoy all of it
Excerpts from April 28, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session Enjoy your Spring...
Holding Hands Through the Veil
“Don’t let go!” my Dad said, gripping my forearms so tightly that it...
Everything Has Life and Energy Within It
Excerpts from April 6, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session Everything has...
Another Box
I have at long last moved into my own home after a very transient life in...