You Count in Your Own Life Because You are Living It!

Jun 25, 2023

Excerpts from June 20, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks session

The world likes to trick you into believing that you don’t know who you are, 

that you don’t have any direction, that you must do certain things in a certain way, that you must fulfill these certain promises to society, that you must grow up, become a lawyer, make a lot of money, drive a fast car and have a home and so on and so forth.

Well, you don’t have to do that. You can be yourself. You can! But, you can only do that when you finally, at long last, fall in love with yourself; when you at long last realize that you count in your own life because you’re living it!


It is what it is. Be yourself. You are perfect as you are; absolute perfection! And we can tell you this, that if you fall in love with yourself and you really get to know who you are, all of the unhappiness that you’ve had will fall away. You will suddenly discover that even the anger, depression, loneliness, physical pain, all of these things will begin to fall away because you won’t be working so hard to not be you by trying to be something else that you think everybody else wants you to be.