Where Your Power Is

Jul 4, 2023

Excerpt from June 20, 2023 Dr. Peebles Speaks Session

If you truly fall in love with yourself, you will discover that your natural life within is to be kind and loving and compassionate, caring and gentle, willing to work, willing to help, willing to play, and willing to do a lot of things in a very gentle, beautiful, natural unfolding way.


Stop trying to force yourself to fit the world. You already fit the world. When you come in as a baby, you come in perhaps saying, “Goodness gracious, I’m so excited to be alive! Here I am with this mommy and daddy holding me! It’s so comforting!” And you look at the world and you say, “Let’s get busy being happy! Let’s get busy having fun!” Then, suddenly, your parents, society, and others, teachers and friends and whoever it might be that you meet say, “No, you can’t do that! That’s far too easy. You’re not seeing that life has to be hard. Life has to have rules and regulations and things you’re supposed to do. You must do it this way or you’re not going to succeed.” 

But, we can assure you there are many different people upon the planet earth–billions and billions of people–through centuries and centuries of life on earth who have done life in a wide variety of ways, and the only way that has ever really worked for anyone, in any generation–even in any particular political state–the only thing that has worked for true happiness, true peace, true joy, is falling in love with self; suddenly realizing that the God light that you are seeking is within you. That is where your power is.