Bacon Bits

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Don’t Save
I have a tendency to want to save people before they even know that they...
Failing (Part II)
After high school, I went to college because I never thought about doing...
Failing (Part I)
My daughter was 7 years old, in second grade, and her teacher called us...
A Heartfelt and Vulnerable Sharing
Dear Everyone, Thank you in advance for reading this. I hope that it is...
Holding Hands Through the Veil
“Don’t let go!” my Dad said, gripping my forearms so tightly that it...
Another Box
I have at long last moved into my own home after a very transient life in...
Please Bother Me
I have just emerged from 12 years of caregiving and 15 months of...
What It’s Like for Me
I remember sitting in the audience many years ago when Trance...
Squirrel Logic
Before I went into trance today, a resident squirrel stared hard at me...
Blaming God
Sometimes there are moments so poignant in life that you can remember...
What a trip!
I was one of the people who had their Southwest airlines flight cancelled...
The most abundant Christmas of all
Each child (my two daughters and stepson) dug up a sapling (the offspring...