Know That You Are Safe

Jul 4, 2019

Know that you are safe, know that you are loved, and know that you have never been misunderstood by the heavens, because we hear your prayers and we do take everything very seriously as you are talking to us, sharing with us from your heart, speaking your truth. We are there with you every step of the way. We understand that life upon Planet Earth is not the easiest journey. We do hear your cries, we hear your tears. Simply sit in reception of the loving energy from us to you.

Seek greater and greater love in everything that you do. In every expression, increase the vibration of love, because this will set up a resonance around you that will be well returned to you in due time.
Speak these words: “I love me. I value my life. I am enjoying the journey into deeper understanding of my heart, and I trust the movement and the rhythms that come from within me, for these are special and divinely inspired. I ask for God to speak through me, through all of my words. I invite the loving energy that I am to come to the surface and be fully expressed in the world around me. I open myself up to receiving light, love, inspiration and truth. I share of myself selflessly without expectations, without a desire to manipulate, but instead now I allow myself to be free to come to the surface to see what happens when life hears me, sees me, feels me.”
Fancy yourself in a state of total surrender, in total trust in God, in total trust of you. In this moment, make a decision; are you ready to be fully expressed?

What you are seeking in your life is abundance, the abundance of your being, the abundance of love that already exists. That’s what you are striving to have in your life. It is a quest for love that you have embarked upon, in everything, in every plan, in every desire. Increasing the love vibration within you, and around you, invites more love towards you than you can possibly imagine.

If you would, on a daily basis, for a half a week, a chance to sit in a chair and tell yourself you are not going to budge until you find and feel love in every pore of your being, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in one half of a week (yes, that is three and a half days) you would find yourself standing upon the earth more clear, more aware, more filled with love, more abundant in your being, in your bank account, and every other area of your life than you have ever been before. You would catapult, accelerate your journey by seventeen years. Fathom that.

You’re not a failure, not a single one of you. You are a learning, growing, expansive being.