Excerpt from January 31, 2025 Dr. Peebles Speaks
In this year of 2025, the current of life is going to seem a little up and down, a little topsy-turvy here and there. But my dear friends, don’t expect disaster. Don’t expect that everything’s going to be out of harmony. Expect peace and love, prosperity, abundance, and expect that you are going to find greater community than ever before. Expect something wonderful in your life for once, God bless you indeed, and really know that it is out there on the horizon and that the world is truly getting supercharged, shall we say, for becoming increasingly aware of the love, the light, the inspiration, and the truth that each and every one of you is.
There will be so many fun things that will happen along the way. There will be little kernels, little treasures to be found in the world. There will be, if you will, communications with UFOs and extraterrestrials. There will be all sorts of disclosures of things that have been hidden for a very long time. And you’re going to discover, my dear friends, some of the little secrets, shall we say, of various governments and other things that you weren’t unaware of before.
This will help to give you inspiration, not fear, but inspiration into a deeper understanding of how the world has been working, how it’s been striving to control the masses. And you’re going to say it’s not necessary anymore for that to happen. “We need each other, we certainly do!” You’re going to find yourself going into groups with other people and realizing that you just want to share of your heart and you want to share the different perspectives. You’re not going to try to put so many people into a box where they have the exact same beliefs as you do in order to have fun with them. You’re going to find that you enjoy the differences. There will be unity within the diversity of life and you’ll realize how much you really do need these contrasts for growth, for a deeper understanding of yourself, for a deeper understanding of your universe.
It’s all a great grand glorious dance, and it’s time to laugh a little bit more and not worry so much about the possibilities of things that could go wrong. Enough is enough, my dear friends. Now it’s time to realize that you are in control of looking at the world around you and seeing the beauty and the light that is there. It’s not gone. It just sometimes seems it’s hidden away. But also, remember that you can hide it away from yourself as well by focusing on the darkness, upon the fears, upon the expectations of disasters and other things.
Keep your light shining brightly and look at the beauty and the wonder of the world. Look at every human being and strive to see them as part of you, part of what is really something that you cannot live without in truth. You’ll live a much happier life.