Excerpt from Dr. Peebles Open Session January 11, 2025
So, my dear friends, your rather amazing (current) events upon your planet Earth is a tilling of the soil, and we know that it is very frustrating at times because you don’t like to see people hurting and you don’t like to hurt either. That is understandable and that’s also quite beautiful. Thank you very much for the very fact that you care so deeply! Your tears show that you care…
…a lot of the old ways of being are being dispelled and disposed of in terms of the understanding of yourselves and who you are and what you are about…
You are going to find that your world begins to unite more than it has in the past. Of course there’s going to be certain factions that will be resistant to this; it’s always been that way throughout history. There will be some skirmishes and some wars and things like that that will arise, but you’re going to find that the people–the cream that rises to the top—the individuals who truly have the love in their hearts, who have kept it in their hearts, are now going to be expressing it more and more. They’re not going to be so afraid to be honest, and are going to share that love is the answer. It’s going to become trendy…
The masses are trained from birth to be afraid of certain things and succumb to that fear rather than realizing that the greater power is within the love that they are and expressing that…