Excerpt from Dr. Peebles Open Session November 23, 2024
We know that there are many upon the Planet Earth who are terrified because of the [U.S. Presidential] election and things like that; the possibilities of World War III, and other things that might be around the corner. But, my dear friends, for one thing, right here and now, you’re sitting in this room and everything that you’ve ever done in your life, every word that has come out of your mouth, every thought that you have ever had, adds up to this moment here, listening to an old spook talking through Summer, God bless you, indeed. And, it’s wonderful, is it not? You’ve created this reality here. It’s so beautiful to be sharing this wonderful energy of love. Hearing your laughter is absolutely glorious to our ears. You are beautiful spirits. You’ve got the opportunity here now to really deeply, deeply go into yourself and say, “All right, I know who I am. I know what I believe. I know how I live my life, and I want to live my life in absolute integrity with all of that, from the inside out, rather than from the outside in.”
If you keep trying to change everybody around you, if you keep trying to knock people down, if you want to kill them off, or whatever it might be, because you don’t like the way that they live their life, you don’t like their perspectives, you don’t like their opinions, well, my dear friends, that’s an awful lot of work. It’s going to take a long, long, long time before you’re ever going to be happy, because you’re going to be constantly trying to change the world around you, rather than changing the world inside of you with your own perspectives, your own opinions, your own conclusions about life and such. God bless you, indeed.