Excerpt from Dr. Peebles Speaks August 1, 2024
You are beautiful spirits, students of the divine. You have come to the school called Planet Earth to discover and dissolve the illusions of separation, illusions of separation, my dear friends. You are connected with life at all times, with everyone and everything, with every bug that you say you don’t want to touch, with every person you say you don’t want to hear; with everything. You are, always and forever more, connected. Now, the wonder of that is that you are connected to everything in the universe, everything that ever was, ever shall be. And what does that mean? It means that you are connected, to us (Spirit), to God, to the love, the greater love that there is, always ever expanding.
You are connected to the past, the present and the future at all times: every past, present and future, not just your own. You can’t escape it, my dear friends. The universe truly cannot exist without you. You are part of the universe. You are an integral part of the universe. If you look around you, you are part of everything that you see, hear, taste, touch, feel and smell. It’s all you. You are part of it: a cell within a beautiful body of light, a cell within a beautiful body of love. You are that which you see around you, that which you hear, that which you taste. Can you fathom this, my dear friends? And that means all of it. It doesn’t just mean the things that you want to hear and see and taste and touch and smell. You’re connected to all of it. So, my dear friends, if you stop for a moment and you think about this, you might just realize that, “Well, if I’m connected to all of it—even those things I don’t like, even those people I don’t want to hear or see, even those belief systems that I do not agree with—if I am all of it, then what am I going to do about the things that I don’t like to see and hear and feel? How can I reconcile that with being who I am?”
Well, my dear friends, you start to realize that if that is part of who you are and you don’t particularly care for it, wouldn’t you like to feel better about it? Wouldn’t you like to pray for that part of yourself? You say, “Well, there’s a really downhearted part of me over here, or there’s a very angry part of me over here.” And, you see it reflected in somebody’s face and somebody’s attitude in the way that they are living life. And you say, “Well, I would rather have that healed rather than take on anger and being angry, trying to kill it, trying to push it out of my life, trying to get rid of it.” It’s not going to go away. You’re part of the universe. You are in it, and you may as well get used to that. Then the struggle will start to disappear when you start to realize that you can’t kill off the things you don’t like. They’re not going to disappear. Even if you were to kill something—literally kill something or someone you don’t like—you would still be thinking about them. They would still be haunting you in your thoughts, in your dreams, in your awareness of yourself, etc. You can’t get rid of it because it’s all within you. It’s all you.
So you say, “Well, how can I make this better?” By praying! By praying for the upliftment of your enemies, by praying for the souls of those who are misguided in their lives, by suddenly realizing, that everything has a purpose and has meaning, and realizing that it is not something that you have to discard or get rid of, but rather just like taking the rotten fruit from a tree, you put it around the base of the tree so that it can become the fertile soil for it to grow. There is purpose and value in everything.
The people who you don’t like, who are saying and doing things that are horrific, are providing you with a contrast that will show you that you don’t want to become that. You truly don’t. So, instead of, if you will, getting sucked into their energy, into the negativity around you, instead of generating more of that by saying, “I don’t want to hear these other opinions, I can’t stand these people who believe this way or that way, or want this politician or that politician! How dare they? How could they not agree with me?” Instead say, “Well, that’s the way that they are thinking. That’s the way they are believing. I’m going to stand in my truth, in my light, and I’m going to share my experience with the world. When I feel like it, I will just simply share it. I will never ever demand that anybody should agree with me, because it doesn’t matter. My belief in myself is all that matters. My belief in who I am truly is all that matters, because I’m living life as me.”
Are you, my dear friends, comfortable with being you? Or, are you dependent upon everybody around you, changing to match your frequencies so that you can be happy? Well, that’s going to be a long, long, difficult journey if you are living life in that way. If you are waiting for people to change their minds. “Well, my husband or my wife or my best friend doesn’t agree with my political perspectives.” That’s all right! They don’t have to! Nor do you have to agree with theirs. It’s all right. If you can just simply nod your head and say, “That’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing who you are with me,” and allow for them to be who they are and say, “Well, if it works for you, then fantastic. And as long as you are really living your life and enjoying it, I think that’s fantastic,” how beautiful. And you start to live your life as a demonstration to others of what life really can be. “I love myself enough to believe what I believe, and I don’t have to convince you of why or how I believe what I believe, or like who I like ,or anything of the sort. I just am going to live my life and be okay with who I am.”
Do you really know who you are, my dear friends? Think about that for a while. Is your identity wrapped up in everybody else? Is your identity wrapped up in the way you think people think about you? Is your identity and self-worth wrapped up in how people respond to you? If they say, “Oh, you’re wonderful! I agree with you! I love your car, your house, your hair!” whatever it might be, is that how you create your identity of self? Is that how you think about yourself; through others’ eyes? Or do you know your own heart? Do you know who you are and what works for you? Can you take responsibility for that and realize that you are enough in this world as you are? You are enough as you are.
When you really get in touch with your own heart, with who you are, you will start to realize that the greater truth of who you are is that you are light, love and inspiration. You are light and love and inspiration. You are an inspirer to others to learn about themselves. They look at you and they see the contrasts and they learn about themselves. They change, or they don’t. But, not because they try to be like you, because that’s just simply not going to bring about happiness. Happiness will come from learning about things, about yourself, looking at life, looking at the contrasts, the information that’s given to you, listening to the honest echo given back to you about the way you are in the world, learning from it, absorbing it because you want to grow into that greater light, love and inspiration that you are.