It’s not science…yet

Aug 21, 2024

This article has come about through my personal musings about with people who constantly say, “Show me the science!” in order for them to believe something is true. As a mystic, I often get the eye rolls of disbelief, and recently someone even exclaimed, “That’s a bunch of f’n bullst, and you know it!” when I told him I allow for a spirit to speak through me. I laughed and said, “It’s not bullst, but it’s okay if you believe it is.” He was actually a very nice guy, and a nice conversation ensued.


Those of us who are mystics are living in/with the very thing that more scientists ought to take an interest in: the unknown. Isn’t that what science is all about, i.e., testing hypotheses and predictions about the world and the universe that are not yet tangibly known to the masses?

Science simply shows evidence that what was previously unknown to exist, exists. But, that doesn’t mean that it didn’t previously exist. Until there were instruments to measure sound waves and atoms, sounds waves and atoms were merrily going about their business anyway.

Scientists theorize and test the theories, and suddenly they say, “Ah ha! We have discovered that the earth is round!” Or, “We have discovered that light moves at 186,000 mph!” They have not discovered, but uncovered (at long last) the truth of what was already there. Light did not need to be proven by scientists to move at 186,000mph (or something in that range TBD) to know that it exists. Nor do true mystics, psychics, ghost busters, UFOlogists, or mediums need for it to be proven that what they experience is real. When someone who is spiritually attuned sees an angel, a ghost, demon, UFO, extra terrestrial, Bigfoot, unicorn, fairy, or whatever, you can bet that it wasn’t a figment of their imagination, a hallucination, or a coincidence. They know it to be true. It’s tangible to people like us; like me. As far as I’m concerned, science is just trying to catch up with us.

Mystics through the ages have been subjected to ridicule and even torture and death for their abilities and awarenesses. The problem is, when it comes to studying the mystical realm from a scientific standpoint, the only way to do it is to put away the instruments and tools, and use the best device to measure the truth and existence of seemingly intangible realms. The best device (or instrument) is the heart. When the heart is implemented with the same dedication and fervor of someone committed to becoming a concert pianist, the intangible becomes tangible. But, the “evidence” is not like a crystal that can be simply passed from one person to another, or displayed in a museum like some kind of archeological artifact. You can hear and feel the music that the concert pianist plays, just like you can hear and feel the voice of spirit speaking through a trance medium. You can buy the mp3 or listen to it on a YouTube video. But, until you are actually touching and playing the keys yourself, feeling the movement of that energy that runs through your soul, you will never be able to truly and fully appreciate what is behind the concerto or channeled words. Surrender into the experience of existence, and you will discover, self-evidentially, that these other realms and realities exist. It’s so much fun to explore. And, then there’s more!