Excerpt from Dr. Peebles Speaks July 11, 2024
Close your eyes. Relax, release, surrender. Just breathe and feel your breath. Feel your emotions. How are you feeling right now? Upset, angry, peaceful, happy? Could be a wide variety of things. But right now, let’s focus upon contentment.
Let us call upon the spirit of contentment. Yes, my dear friends, it’s a spirit. It’s a frequency. It’s a dimension unto itself. Don’t try to conjure up what you think contentment is. Let contentment reveal itself to you. Feel content. Feel it in your body. What does contentment feel like? Feel it in your thoughts. Feel how your thoughts begin to melt away. No need to cling to anything anymore.
It is that simple, my dear friends, to dial into that which you are seeking. You are angry? You are frustrated with something or someone? You don’t know what to do? Well, then you know that you don’t know what to do. So instead of being angry and upset and frustrated, what would you rather feel? Love, peace, hope, promise?
What about that relationship where you are feeling angry? “I would like to dissolve that anger around this situation. I would like to feel peace around this situation.” So you close your eyes and imagine feeling peace around the situation. Call upon the frequency, the spirit of peace. Ask that it enters into your heart around this situation and just be with that. It only takes a few moments, my dear friends, and you can dissolve the anger and be with the peace that you are really seeking. That’s what you really want. And suddenly in that moment, if you stay with that, you may find that you find clarity around the situation. You may find that you hear the right words to say to dissolve the contentiousness of that relationship. Or you might find the solution in your heart that says, “I don’t need to be here anymore with this person.” Or you might, my dear friends, be told, “Just go out and have an ice cream cone and enjoy your day.” And finally, you are, if you will, dissolving those things that are keeping you from yourself, keeping you away from the true greater joy that is within.
These are signposts. They help you, certainly, to find yourself. But you’ve got to be willing to do the work. You’ve got to be willing to journey to the heart. And you’ll find the more you do it, it becomes habitual. And you will find the more you do it, it is no longer work. It’s the first place you turn. Rather than frustration and pulling your hair out, rather than feeling like life is hopeless without purpose and meaning, you will suddenly say, “You know something? It is right here and now that life has purpose and meaning. Let me find it. Let me close my eyes.”
You can do that for just a moment and seek that which you are seeking.