Excerpt from Dr. Peebles Speaks June 13, 2024
Q: What is the universal law behind the number three, the power of 3?
Dr. Peebles: It’s the focus. If you think of it in terms of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, you’ve got the Trinity, and a triangle is a very, very strong form. It is not weak by any stretch of the imagination, and it comes in all sizes. Creating that sort of triangulation of life is very strong and beautiful.
A little child might say, “I’m going to jump off the curb on the count of three. One…” The child is nervous, but standing there, gets a little stronger. “Two…” The child becomes emboldened. “Three!” and the child jumps and flies!
So 3 oftentimes is really about, “It’s time to jump! Do it! You’re in alignment! You’ve got that strength of the triangle, ready to fly!”
Trust the way the universe speaks to your heart. Sometimes it’s “yes,” sometimes it’s “no,” sometimes it’s just “maybe…just wait…be patient.” It drives you nuts, but if you trust instead of pushing against the river, you’ll be a lot happier. You’ll get into alignment with your heart. You’ll start to realize when and how your spirit is speaking to you, and recognize the absolute, “Yes! There is no question about it! This is the time to act!” And, you will know when there is a “no” that is really sincere, that it is not time to act, and you won’t push the river again. You’ll just be in the flow of who you are, just letting it flow.
You see, the yeses and nos are not goods or bads, they just are. They’re directives. They’re green light, red light.