Excerpts from May 1, 2024 Dr. Peebles Speaks Q&A
When are we going to come out of this time and space and move forward into a more loving and accepting world?
Dr. Peebles: Well, the world is within you. So it’s really a matter of you moving into that place within yourself. If you’re going to sit around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the world to change and be a better place and such, you’re going to be disappointed at every turn. But, if you are willing to look inside of yourself and say, “Well, that’s the world, but the world inside of me is happy and joyful. I’m going to take up painting and writing, and I’m going to make a beautiful meal and invite my friends over. I’m going to put my telephone down and turn off the news, and I’m going to play some beautiful music. I’m going to look and gaze at the stars in the heavens.” Then you, my dear friends, you can move forward with grace, and enjoy your life despite what anybody else is doing in the world. It’s not necessary to get encumbered by it.
Truly, my dear friends, the more you invite the world in, the more you’re going to feel the pain, and the more you’re going to see and experience the distractions and such. So when is it going to end? It only ends when it ends within you.