To be, or not to be

May 1, 2024

Bumping into old friends isn’t what it used to be. “How are you doing?” often receives a shoulder shrug, and a half-hearted, “I’m okay,” followed by laughter, because we both know it isn’t true. At first, there is rarely any good news to be shared, or joyful and radiant conversation about the marvels of life.

It’s not because we are pessimistic. Quite the contrary. We’re optimistic, but exhausted. We see the endless possibilities of the endless good that can be done in the world, and scratch our heads in wonder as to why so many others don’t see it in the same way. We know the beauty and the wonder of other realms, and believe deeply in God and angels, spirits, light and love. That is why one little unkind word, or flash of sad news across the screen can fill us with sadness and/or frustration, as it touches our empathic hearts.

And so, every one of these good people will eventually turn the conversation around by talking about their faith in God, and belief that the goodness of humankind will ultimately prevail in a world that seems to have gone completely mad. There is sharing about how blessed we are to have a roof over our heads and good food in our bellies. We often include uplifting comments about how blessed we are to simply know each other. And, perhaps a beautiful bird or bumble bee will grace our conversation with a fly by, and we will again feel and realize all of those tiny, perfect things about life that makes it worth living. And, we laugh.

The encounter ends with a genuine heartfelt hug, and deep appreciation that we somehow found each other in the parking lot in front of the UPS store that day, and we leave feeling hopeful, if not emboldened by the vulnerable sharing and love that we have just expressed.

Many of these conversations include reflections on, “Why am I still here?” when it seems that helping to create peace and spread love in the world is so daunting, and seemingly futile at times. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to go home,” many people say, referring to our home on the other side. (And, of course, we know that we say that wistfully and hypothetically, not because we’d ever do anything to make that happen.)

Recently, one friend that I bumped into commented that he did not know what to do for the world. “I don’t know why I’m still here!” he said, and then looked at me and pronounced, “But, you are doing the work!” obviously referring to my work as a Trance Medium and spiritual teacher.

Although flattered by his comment, I replied from my heart, “Thank you, but I don’t think it’s about doing ‘the work.’ I believe that just being willing to be here is enough. You are a good person, I am a good person, and that is enough. You woke up this morning thinking about ways to make the world a better place. You are kind to the store clerk. You stopped to chat with me and share from your heart. The world needs that kind of energy in it. Just this conversation is contributing to the beauty of the world. Even if you are just sitting in a chair or taking a nap, your mere presence in the world is a radiant light that it needs right now. That’s why you are still here. You are exactly where you need to be, or you would be somewhere else. When it’s time to take action, you’ll know, and you’ll be willing to do so. Meanwhile, I believe that our real job is to just be a loving presence in the world.”

I could see calmness and peace in my friend’s face as it softened. The weight of having to actively do something was lifted, as he realized that he was doing by just being.