Excerpts from April 17, 2024 Dr. Peebles Speaks
Let’s find out what’s out there in the universe! Isn’t that what life is all about? God bless you, indeed! Finding out what’s around the corner and having fun doing it, engaging with life with joy, learning how to dance with life, knowing that everything, my dear friends, is connected energetically, always and forever more. You can’t get away from it ever. Not through death, not through pushing and shoving. It just simply isn’t going to happen. You are at one with everything at all times. Even the stuff you don’t even want to think about or believe is even real or true. It’s all there. It’s all part of who you are, because you are not separate from it. You are forever part of this dance of life, of the universe. And, God bless you, indeed, it’s a beautiful life. If you look at yourself right here and today, think about your journey and all of the lives that you have touched. Think about at least one person’s life that you have touched in a beautiful, remarkable way.
My dear friends, feel the energy of your words, of my words. Feel the energy of words that are spoken to you when they are gruff, when they are beautiful. Strive at times to not even to hear words, but simply experience the words as energy. You will discover this beautiful dance of life, and you won’t be taking things so personally. You will hear the gruff words, and you will hear the energy of it, and you will say, “Ah, this person’s energy is very gruff right now. That’s how they are feeling. That is what they are sharing with me.” And you will strive to not get so entangled in the arguments, in the words that you hear. Instead, you will start to find within yourself actual forgiveness for this beautiful person who is in such a state that they are feeling so gruff or angry or upset or emotional about something.
You can feel that they feel their life is in peril, and you can find the tenderness within your life, within your heart, to simply help and to assist and to comfort them. Either by allowing for them to share with you what they are sharing and not judging, not condemning them for it, but simply listening with love.