Life Without Bigfoot

Apr 3, 2024

Twice, I’ve seen a Bigfoot in Sedona, Arizona. One morning I was hiking Thunder Mountain trail, and there was a great rustle in the tree nearby. Out dashed what, at first, I thought might be a deer…no…bear…no…coyote…no…homeless person? All kinds of thoughts raced through my head as I tried to make sense of what was happening in front of me. But, there was no sense about it. I couldn’t compare this visual to anything else I had ever seen. It was a Bigfoot, running full speed, bent over at the waist, with long “fur” (that reminded me more of porcupine needles than fur)…and, as I watched him run, “he” suddenly disappeared into an invisible door…off into another dimension, perhaps? I looked around in hopes that someone else had shared in the experience with me, but alas, no one was there except me, myself, and I. 

I’ve seen UFOs, had physical encounters with aliens, done ghost busting, physically channeled dearly departed loved ones (and the not so dearly departed). I’ve seen angels and Jesus, and in 1994, at the request of my daughters, I even channeled Santa Claus.

I’m sure many of my experiences sound implausible to many people, and that’s okay with me. A person who commented on a recent interview that I did with Alex Ferrari on Next Level Soul, summarized my 63 year life’s journey into the mystic with two words: “Split personality.” Haha! “Well, thank heavens we’ve gotten that cleared up,” I thought, laughing to myself at the absurdity of the comment.

Frankly, I wouldn’t trade my supernatural, paranormal, extraterrestrial, Bigfoot encounter experiences for anything! I love the life that I have lived that has extended beyond the physical parameters of the “known” factors of our existence. It’s fun, and fascinating, and has taught me so much about the endless possibilities (rather than limitations) of life. 

Sure, it can be frustrating when others around me don’t quite “get” me, because they can’t relate to what I have experienced as truth.

But, frankly, life without Bigfoot encounters in it would be like a death sentence to me. 

Some people in the world will maniacally and emphatically proclaim that the only way to live life is to, “Stop thinking, stop feeling, stop experiencing beyond what you are told! Do this! Do that! Don’t do this! Don’t do that! And especially, whatever you do, DON’T let anything else into your consciousness except for what I endorse! If you do, then you must be CRAZY!”


I’d rather enjoy Bigfoot encounters and feel the spirit of Santa Claus any day. 

Ho ho ho!