Taking on the Pain of Others

Feb 23, 2023

Many years ago as I was experimenting with my abilities as a Trance Medium, I spent a considerable amount of time channeling the famous Mormon leader, Brigham Young.  I knew nothing about Brigham Young. My then-husband delighted in asking to speak to spirits that he knew I knew nothing about. It was his way of testing my abilities. He and Brigham talked on all kinds of subjects. Brigham was particularly interested in discussing how to run an efficient household. This made sense since he had multiple wives and an abundance of children living in his home “The Beehive” in Salt Lake City, Utah.

One day Brigham made a suggestion to us that we decided to try. He told us that we wouldn’t spend so much time washing dishes if we would do the following: fill the sink with water and a quart of apple cider vinegar OR goat’s milk. That’s right! Goat’s milk! Throughout the day, simply submerge your dishes in the water. At the end of the day the dishes rinse practically clean without any scrubbing! We tried it with apple cider vinegar, and it really works! The problem is, the house smells like vinegar all day.

But, goat’s milk? That really sounded strange to us. However, when we looked up goat’s milk and its properties, one of the properties is that it is very acidic, much like apple cider vinegar. We surmised that the acidity must work at cleansing the dishes while they sit all day in the sink.

A fun and easy way to do the dishes, but frankly, I still opt for the dishwasher and Cascade.

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