Hamming It Up

Jan 31, 2024

Out of sheer, morbid curiosity, against my better judgement, I did it. I scrolled down through the hundreds of comments beneath my interview with Alex Ferrari on his Next Level Soul podcast on YouTube, and began reading.

One beautiful, supportive, loving comment after another rolled by, warming my heart, until the inevitable stomach churning comments popped off the page like pimples mocking you as you stare at yourself in the mirror in horror on the morning of a first date.

Okay, I’m just kidding. Even the worst of the comments really weren’t that bad. Someone wrote: “I’m not sold on this one.” That’s okay. That was a pretty tepid comment. And the, “What an actress,” with the inserted eye roll emoji comment actually got me laughing, since I have a known past life as the late 1800s actress, Lillie Langtry (much to my dismay). And, besides, how could anyone think that I would make this stuff up about my life, or memorize the supposedly scripted lines of Dr. Peebles’ remarkable answers to Alex’s questions? That’s absolutely absurd. I can barely memorize my own short grocery list! And then, someone else made a comment about how Dr. Peebles needs to switch to decaf. Haha! I can’t argue with that! Then there was the guy who commented, “She’s a comedian!” I’m not sure why he said that, but he was clearly not amused. However, I was actually kind of flattered, because I love making people laugh.

Then I moved on to the comment, “Anyone who calls themself Summer Bacon is a creep.” I sighed and scrolled on. Then I scrolled back and read those words again. I did this probably ten times before I finally giggled and decided to ham it up (comedian that I am) and clarify for him: “Actually, Summer Bacon is my birth name. It’s been a lot of fun. I’ve been called Fall Pork, Spring Ham, and Winter Sausage. But, I’ve never been called a creep.” I followed that up with a winking smile emoji, in all kindness, and in the hopes that the guy would see my words and maybe get a smile out of them, too.