Surrender to the entirety of your being

Feb 14, 2021

Breathe very deeply into your spine. Relax. Release expectations. Surrender to the entirety of your being. The more that you practice allowing for the chatterings of your brain, the ramblings between your ears, the noises that come in, the incredible din of life, the rushing of the blood in
your ears, the more your mind becomes one with God. All chatter, all awareness, all wisdom, all humor, all becoming one together. A big soup of diversity, but within that diversity there is unity, through loving allowance for all things to be in their own time and place, starting with yourself. Your desire for nirvana is not an escape, but a complete and total immersion in life, oneness, unity with God.

Fathom for a moment that you are indeed God. God the greatest creator is very much aware of everyone upon the Planet Earth. There is not a breath that you take without God knowing about it; not a thought that you have without God being aware, Not an ache, not a pain, not a stubbed toe without God being there in each and every moment of each and every day. How is it that God is so vast? How is it that God is everywhere in everything, every opportunity? Everything has God’s signature upon it. You, my dear friends, are part of the Great Creator. You are an expression of the greatest creator ever, who brought life to you through a constant exhale.

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