In this mp3, Dr. Peebles shares quite vulnerably about his about his life on earth, his interaction with the government, his visit to China, his personal foibles, and his transition into enlightenment. He also shares many perspectives on other topics such as vaccines, wars, reincarnation, telepathy and self love.
Start to listen to each other, to learn from each other. Why does the person next to you have such a different opinion than you do? Well, as the old adage says, ”If you walk a mile in their shoes, you might begin to understand why.” Because they are different, they have their own life, they have their own upbringing, they have their own family, friends, experiences of self within the world, and that is how they have turned into the person that they are today. It is not right, it is not wrong, it is not good, it is not bad, it is just who they are. And if you can start to understand each other, learn from each other, listen to each other about the other perspectives, you would find a remarkable change in your world. Because you would suddenly realize that you have compassion for the other person. And in that compassion the differences start to not matter anymore. They start to melt away, because in that compassion you start to realize that you’re made of the same stuff.
Your truth is your truth, that is it. Nothing can change that until you decide to change inside of yourself. Nothing can change it. No war, no prison, no death, nothing can change that about you, until you are ready to change. So nothing upon the your planet earth can control you. The only one who controls you is yourself, because your world is inside of you. You can be locked away in a prison made of lead, and left to starve to death, but you can sit there still with the love within your heart, your appreciation of God, your truth, what you value, and nobody can ever take that away from you.