We Need Each Other

Apr 23, 2019

Excerpt from March 2019 Open Session
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

You will find that there are going to be great pockets of people, like you, getting together, finding solutions, coming together and discussing the reasons why the earth really does not need to continue as it is with the separation between countries, between people, within families. There will be a very large rising up of individuals saying, “It’s time for us to take a look at this in a much bigger fashion, to understand who we really are as one family. We need each other.”That is going to become a movement on the earth; that you need each other. And we want to give you a chance to understand this in advance because you’re going to become a part of it, if you are willing.

We are recruiting your assistance, because we cannot do it all by ourselves, you see. And there will be technology that we will be bringing to the earth that will change the dynamics of your experiences on the earth (in terms of understanding yourselves as spiritual beings) that is going to come to light through sciences. We are going to bring the technology to the earth to bring to human awareness that there are other dimensions, that there is communication from other spirits in other dimensions, and it will be happening. You seem… surprised…we have technology? Yes, we do, my dear friends. We actually do things with our lives. We are not just floatin’ around in the heavens, God bless you indeed. We have a very dynamic existence, and we’re working extremely hard to help and to assist you on the earth.

Every time you laugh, every time you love, you are uplifting us as well. You are helping and assisting us because we are part of the universe, we are part of you. So you don’t realize how extremely important you are just right here in this room today. This is an important moment that you are here. You are listening. You are learning. Some are willing to begin this process of eliminating the thoughts of  hierarchy in the world, and realizing that you are all one family. Every single person in the world has purpose, has a reason for being alive, is there to demonstrate one thing or the other, not good, not bad, just demonstrating to the world a different spectrum of light.

And that, my dear friends, is your experience of self. Every day you experience a different spectrum of your own light, and how much are you willing to put yourself out there? If you put yourself out with truth, with honesty, with integrity, you’re going to hear the honest echo back at ya, and it’s going to be remarkable. You’re going to love it! People will let you know what they think of you—the real you—not the one that you try to make yourself into in order to please the world—and you will hear the honest echo of self.

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