War on Terror: A Spiritual Perspective

Sep 9, 2018

War on Terror  — A Spiritual Perspective
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon • 2018

God bless you, Dr. Peebles here, it is joy and a blessing when man and spirit join together in search of the greater truths and awareness. God bless you indeed my dear friends, you’re beautiful spirits, students of the divine.

My dear friends, upon your school called planet earth there is a war on terror. Well, from our perspective, there should be a war on terror. It is time to bring to light the love within your heart and allow for the terror and the fears to disappear.

It is a contentious world in which you are living right now, and it is time for each one of you to change your mind and change your heart, to become the greatest love that you can be upon this school called planet earth. Your world needs your light, the world needs your love, the world needs your inspiration, the world needs your truth. Your inner truth is that you are made of love my dear friends. You are giver and seekers of the very same. Come to this awareness and stop fighting. Stop being willing to throw daggers at others telling them that their perspectives don’t count. Their perspectives count very much because it counts for them. From their perspective it is truth. From their perspective it is what life is all about. Have loving allowance for these things to be, and then acknowledge these other perspectives and say, “Thank you for bringing your experiences and understandings to light so that I can become aware of who you are. Thank you for sharing of yourself with me.” And don’t judge, don’t stand in judgment of anyone but simply have loving allowance for them to be who they are, beautiful spirits, students of the divine, just like you.

Even if you don’t like their behavior you can still love them. Acknowledge them. The acknowledgment will be absorbed within them, and they will say, “I don’t understand. I know that you have a different opinion than me. Why aren’t you fighting back? Why aren’t you pushing against me? Why are you embracing me like this?” and they will wriggle and writhe. That is the way to have a war on terror my dear friends, to give as much love as you possibly can, the biggest embrace that your heart can create.

Whenever you are on your social media and that sort of thing, strive to find ways in which you can express love in difficult situations. When someone is attacking you, say, “Thank you so very much for showing me who you really are. I appreciate hearing of your perspective about me. I appreciate hearing about your perspective about politicians. I appreciate it because it helps me to understand more about who you are. Thank you so very much.” And this sort of acknowledgment will begin to spread like wild fire, and it’s going to come from your heart, it’s not going to come from anger, the kind of anger that is upon your earth that is spreading wild fires around the world. But instead, the sort of fire that is the fire of your soul, the passion, the wonder, the acceptance, the honoring of the God light that is within you, each and every one. This is the way in which you, my dear friends, can begin that war on terror.

My dear friends, live your life in love and give yourself the freedom to love. Don’t put conditions upon it. Love does not need conditions ever. Give love to the world and do it unconditionally. Celebrate it, bring it to life in the most dark situations, and you will find that this little tiny spark will ignite a fire of love upon the earth, a fantastic, beautiful, radiant light that will emanate and will embrace the planet earth on so very many levels, you’ll be rather surprised. What is it you call it here with your social media? It could potentially go viral. Goodness gracious, love go viral upon your earth? How wonderful that would be? But it must start with each one of you being willing to express love beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations.
Your planet earth isn’t in the best condition here. Your planet earth is falling apart, but it’s not so bad. It’s falling apart so that it can be rebuilt even stronger than before, so that it can be rebuilt in greater love. You are all moving into a new dimension of understanding, and you’re coming to the awareness that you can’t fix your problems from the outside in, not through politics, not through religion, not through medicine, not through anything other than looking inside of yourself and seeing who you are. Starting there to create the change that you want to see in the world, finding the love within you, and being willing and courageous enough to express it. Yes, courageous, my dear friends. It takes courage to express love. It takes courage to be the Christ on the earth. It takes courage to allow for your light to shine brightly when others will look at you and say, “How can you be so loving when the world is so terrible? How can you love a terrorist? How can you love this person over here who has a different perspective than you? How can you tolerate the way that the politicians are in this world?”

My goodness gracious, you say, “Well, because they’re all just growing. They’re all just striving to understand the love that they are. They’re all just simply striving to understand that the true peace will come when everybody emanates love. They’re all just learning and growing, like me, and I love them because I know that they are in pain within their thoughts, within their fears, within their expectations, within their struggles to try to change the world and everybody around them. They are in deep, deep pain, and so therefore I choose love. I choose to give them love. I choose to pray for their upliftment. I choose to, accept and tolerate anything that they want to share with me, because they’re telling me about who they are. They are at the very least letting themselves be heard and seen and felt by the world, but in truth they are also hiding the greater truth which is the God light within, and I hope and pray that if they are willing to share of themselves enough that eventually they will find that it does not work, that the only other place they can go is inside of self, find the love there and express it to the world.”

They are beautiful spirits, they are students of the divine. They don’t understand that love is the answer. They don’t get it. They keep trying to change the world through politics. They try to change the world through creating war on terror. Well, my dear friends, war is a terror. There is no need for war on the earth. There is no way you can stop war by creating more war; it will never end. Those who want to create a war on terror and terrorist are terrorists themselves; there is no difference. It is a willingness from the human perspective to kill one another, to try to kill off each other, to try to kill off certain beliefs, to try to kill off certain awarenesses. It doesn’t work, it simply does not work.

Only acknowledgment and love will change your world, and it has to happen one person at a time, and it takes courage, it absolutely does. If you are to speak the truth, that love is the answer, people will laugh at you, people will point at you and say, “Are you crazy? It’s not about love. It can’t be about love until everybody changes to one perspective, and then we will all live in harmony together. Until everyone believes in a Republican president, until everybody believes in the Islamic Nation, until everybody believes etc., etc., etc., etc.” What a waste, my dear friends, of precious time together upon the earth, fighting and contention, and you, unwilling at times to express love. What a waste of time. The only thing that will ever make you feel better is to become love and to express it freely, no matter the circumstances around you.
When somebody is upset in the grocery store, let them go ahead of you in line. Love them, say “Absolutely, I know you’re in a rush, go ahead, go in front of me, that’s fine! I have all the time in the world because I’ve got love within my heart, and I know that that is where my peace, that is where my home is, in truth, and I can be in love and in peace at all times. It doesn’t matter if I’m third in line, fourth in line or fifth in line. It doesn’t matter.”

You can come to this awareness. You have the awareness just simply by the fact that you’re even listening to this message from yours truly here. You have it within your heart to change the world within you, and that is really all you have that you are in charge of, you see? And you shine the light brightly, and others look at you, and they question, and they scratch their head, and they say, “Who is this crazy person living in love with a smile on their face in a world that is filled with contention? How can they do that?” And they start to think about it, and there is a little stirring in their heart, and they say, “You know something, I sure would like to live my life like that too. Wait a minute, perhaps I don’t need to express myself with anger anymore. It’s really only hurting me. Perhaps I don’t need to express myself with hatred anymore. It’s only hurting me. Perhaps holding on to my limited beliefs about skin color and religion and all these other things is really only hurting me. It’s preventing me from being integrated with life fully and completely.”
It’s much better to love, my dear friends, even those who seem unlovable. It’s better to love them, and look at them with fascination, look at the way they are behaving and just say, “All right, they don’t understand. It’s fascinating to watch them struggling with their beliefs, struggling to change the world. I’m going to pray for them that eventually they find peace within their heart.”

Relax, release, and surrender, and most of all, as you are thinking about the ways in which you can express your love, and be the love in the world, etc., don’t forget to love yourself. Free yourself up of all those beliefs about you, that you think you have to be a certain size or shape, that you have to wear your hair in a particular fashion, that you have to express yourself in a particular way in order to be loved in return. My dear friend, please, be kind to yourself, be gentle with yourself. There is so much contentious behavior within you, there is constant agony, anger, and pain trying to change yourself, shape-shift, become this, become that, thinking that you are your job, thinking that you are what you do, thinking that you are what you eat, thinking that you must, if you will, abide by social mores all the time in order to be loved.
You are already loved. God loves you. I love you. There are so many here who understand, where I exist, that love is the answer, the only thing that really works. We’d really rather see you understand this now, before you hit rock bottom. Your planet earth is in quite a state right now. Your Mother Earth is really falling apart right now, and she needs some help as well. She needs you to realize that she is your home right now, and she’s hurting. So change your thoughts, change the way in which you think. Change the way in which you express yourself, because that will change your world. The fires that are spreading on the earth, the earthquakes that are occurring, all of these things are coming from your collective consciousness creating that reality, creating a world that is falling apart, literally, and it’s manifesting in the physical now. And so it’s time for you to reverse the clock, so to speak, by changing your heart, changing the way in which you express yourselves.

Teach others. Teach others how to express with love. Teach others that it’s all right to listen to the other perspectives. There is nobody who has any charge over anybody, that’s the truth of it. All you have is the ability to express yourself. What the world really wants from you is you, and your greater truth that resides within, which is love. Be the expresser of it, be the one to instigate this sort of change. Instigate this war, this true, if you will, divine and spiritual war on terror. It is, my dear friends, something that will work if you are willing to do it. Collectively it will make a massive change upon your earth.

Understand that you, through your comparisons and contrasts of self with life, it really is not working for you. You’re never going to fit the world the way that you think you should. You already fit the world as you are. Stop trying to be something for someone. Stop trying to express yourself in a particular way to be acceptable to society. Be acceptable to the God light within you, don’t be afraid of that. Don’t be afraid of love. Be willing to bring that to the surface. Be willing to be the one to express “I love you.” It’s so easy for all of you to say, “I hate you. I don’t like this. This is terrible. Look at that awful person over there.” Oh, my goodness gracious, it changes the entire energy, doesn’t it, to speak such words.

It hurts, it really does, to speak those kinds of things to the world. But it doesn’t hurt to say, “I love you”. It’s exciting! “I love you, I really do. You know something, you just shared a perspective with me that I  never heard before, and I love you for it. Thank you so much for sharing of who you are. Thank you for expressing yourself. It must be very difficult to be living in your world. It must hurt so much because I hear so much anger, I hear so much pain, I’m so sorry that you’re living in that world. I love you, and I hope someday you learn to love you as well, by learning to express with compassion, with the love light and the God light within. You are so beautiful, and I hope someday you understand how beautiful you are. Celebrate yourself, celebrate yourself, you’re a beautiful spirit.”

You see, that sort of expression really changes things. That’s really part of the attraction to yours truly here, isn’t it? What do I say all the time? “You’re a beautiful spirit, a student of the divine, we love you so very much, God bless you indeed.” I mean it. When I say it, I mean every word, and I would say it to Donald Trump, and I would say it to anyone in front of me, ever. You’re a beautiful spirit, you’re a student of the divine, and I love you so very much. And I do because it feels good to me to love. It feels good to me to express love. Oh, I can certainly gush it, can’t I? And, I love it. It’s fun, it’s freeing, it has no boundaries, it rushes into your soul, and we become aware that we are one in that love.

We are individuals, we have our own way of being, we have the things that we like to do, we have the things we like to express, we have opportunities of all different kinds as individuals, you and me. I grow too, my dear friends. I’m alive. I exist. I have desires, and it’s fun. And you can exist in that place of love as well, and be an individual, and stop comparing yourself to everybody else, and express yourself and your life freely, not afraid to be who you are, not afraid to give of your expressions of love to the world, not afraid. Let them laugh, let them grimace, let them do all those things that they want to do, but you, stand in your truth, and express it with compassion. Be kind to people. Be a good person. That is enough. You can’t save the world. You can’t change the world. But, you can change the world within you, and in so doing you create your own reality through your choices and perceptions. God bless indeed, we love you very much, my dear friends.

You look to life not for the answers, but look to life to understand that which you want to change within yourself. Look to life, and know that everybody is just growing. Everybody is going to be okay. The story is going to have a happy ending for everyone someday, because everyone is going to come to the awareness that they are love, and they are going to return to that source, and they are going to live happily ever after. You will come to understand one day that you are an eternal being, you are not a finite being in any way, shape, or form. You have this life that you are living here, by choice, on the earth in human form, but you will eventually leave that vessel that you are living in, and you will return to spirit someday. And you will, my dear friends, know that you are eternal, and you will then understand that all of these illusions of separation, all these beliefs in the barriers, borders, and boundaries have absolutely no meaning whatsoever. It’s false. The division that is created upon the earth by money, by boundaries, by maps, by political beliefs, religious beliefs, by fear of whether or not you’re healthy or not, etc., etc., whether you should be vegetarian or this or that, oh my goodness gracious, none of it matters. It really does not. All that matters is love.

You will return to that awareness, and you’ll look at the earth one day and you’ll shake your head and say, “My goodness gracious, how very sad. There’s a whole lot of contentious behavior there, when everybody could just be dancing and singing, celebrating each other and life, where everyone can have enough food to eat, enough water to drink, a roof over their head, lots of hugs and kisses.” Oh, we can tell you this, with hugs and kisses all your aches and pains would disappear. Without the anger, without those things eating at you that you think are important, all your cancers would disappear. You would find that there would be no such thing as diabetes because you would all be absorbing quite easily the sweetness of life.
Can you fathom that contact with the many rather than the few? To love and be loved? To br respected and honored? To be encouraged to grow? To be encouraged to change? To be encouraged to share of yourself freely? What a world it would be if you would all just simply dance together, give of yourselves honestly and authentically, and without constraint. What a world it would be, my dear friends, if you would all simply express the love that you are.

You are a beautiful spirit, you are a student of the divine and we love you so very much.
My dear friends, we honor you no matter what you do. Stop thinking that you’re making mistakes. There are no mistakes, there’s only growth. Don’t look back, look forward to the life that is ahead of you. Be here, be present…relax, release, and surrender…God bless you indeed, my dear friends. You are a beautiful spirit, a student of the Divine.

Go your way in peace, love, and harmony for life is indeed a joy, if only you will acknowledge it. And, as you enjoy the journey to your own heart, and certainly to your own enlightenment, always forever and ever more, simply lighten up just a little bit more.
God bless you, indeed!

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