Don’t work yourself to pieces. Work yourself to peace!

Jan 31, 2018

Excerpt from January 2018 Open Session
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

Life is not about always doing, doing, doing, working yourselves to pieces. Instead, work yourself to peace! God bless you indeed!

Why are people hating? Why not love? Why not pray for the upliftment of those who you consider to be enemies, or somebody that you fear? Pray for them, and give them as much love as you possibly can. Pour it into them, and you will find that there will be transformation. Imagine that there are remarkable changes in the world after you have spent an hour in prayer, simply sending as much love as you possibly can to the variety of people upon the planet who your think are the monsters and the ogres, and the ones who are going to create harm and rule the entire planet. You will say, “Did I do that?” Well guess what? Yes you did, and that is how you create your own reality.
My goodness gracious, you’re going to get stuck in traffic! It’s going to happen! It’s just part of your reality here upon the earth. There are a lot cars, a lot of people going places at the same time. So, my dear friends, do you realize how often you get upset about such things? You say, “How could this possibly happen once again? Here it is eight o’clock in the morning, and here I am stuck in traffic. I do not understand this! this is terrible!” And you find yourself being surprised by that? Goodness gracious! Well, it’s a wonderful opportunity to sit in contemplation. “I am here, and I am in love with my life, and I’m going to slow down just a little bit more, I’m going to love my car, and my steering wheel, and the people in the cars around me. Let us all have a nice little peaceful journey, like a bunch of dolphins swimming through the ocean.” You see? You can change your reality just through your thoughts, just through your words. Find a new story and write it, and your life will begin to transform. You can spend an hour in traffic upset, getting hot headed, and doing all those things you like to do from one car window to another, or you can use it as an opportunity for growth. Relax, release, and surrender, and know that everything is in right order always. Even if you are late for work, my dear friends, there is a reason for it.

Close your eyes for a moment here and think of someone or somebody, could be a kitty cat or a puppy dog, could be a child, could be anybody that you love, even an extraterrestrial. Just think about someone that you love, that when you think of them it makes your heart sing. Think of them with as much love as you possibly can.

What does it feel like when you feel that love for them? Feel it inside of yourself. Feel in your body; how your body changes as you feel that love. Feel the weight lifting. Do you feel the lightness of being? Feel that love, and you begin to change in that love. And the more you think of it, and the more you hold that thought, the more you transform.

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