Life is a dance with everything!

Jan 15, 2018

Excerpt from December 2017 Open Session
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

Life is a dance with everything: with people, animals, plants, the food that you eat, the coffee that you drink, the perspectives that are in the world, the money that you have in your pocket. It’s a dance! It’s a relationship.

Every time you find a penny on the street say, ‘”Thank you so very much, beautiful penny, for coming into my life. I love you! Can we propagate, and have a few more? Call all your friends!” Speak to the world in this fashion, because everything is energetic. Everything in your world has energy within it. Even the chair that you are sitting upon right here and now has energy within it. Thank it very much for being there under your fanny, for holding you up in this fashion so that you can listen to yours truly here.

There is tremendous energy and life within everything. Talk to it, enjoy the relationships that you have there. When you go to bed at night say, “Thank you very much my bed, my pillow, my sheets, my blankets, etc.” Whatever it might be that you have in your life, be thankful for it and develop a tremendous attitude of gratitude, because this is going to change your reality. You are going to discover how your life is created from the inside out, not from the outside in. It is the love and the energy that you pour into everything that changes your reality. You want to have love within your life? You want to  have a relationship within your life? Then love the relationship that you have with your kitty cat, with your mother, with your father, with yourself, with anything around you, and eventually you will start to create a magnificent energy that the world will feel. And somebody is going to come up and say, “I want to be with you! Your energy is so very beautiful, I want to hang out with you. Come here and give me a smooch!”
You have this wonderful opportunity to create a whole new reality, my dear friends, in this wonderful, wonderful world of yours. It is a beautiful world, remarkable in its scope, in its magnitude of depth and understanding and experiences and perspectives. Even your technology is very interesting and fascinating and fun. You can enjoy the technology, but remember the most remarkable instrument that you have on your earth, the most remarkable, what you would call “device” that you would have upon the earth, is this physical form that you’re living in. If you think about it for just a moment here, your body is remarkable. It’s doing all sorts of things right now that you’re not having to think about at all. Your liver is cleansing the blood, the blood is circulating, the heart is beating, your lungs are opening and breathing in lovely oxygen that is life-giving to you, and your ears are hearing me, and you’re not having to think about how this is this happening, it’s just happening. Why? Because there are worlds within you. There are entire cities, there are universes that exist within you. There is life, there are life-forms communicating inside of you right now. The cells of your being, the cells of your body, all in communication, and you have this as your gift from God. There is nothing else that you have upon this earth that is more precious than this beautiful vessel that you live in as far as the material sort of thing in your life.
So remember that and love it and look in the mirror and know that you are finely made, you are divinely perfect. You, my dear friends, are absolutely glorious in the eyes of God, in the eyes of yours truly here, and now we’re asking that you are glorious in your eyes as you look in the mirror in the morning, and any other time you might catch a glimpse of yourself.

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