Excerpts from January 2016 open session

Feb 2, 2016

Stop, my dear friends, believing the words of your advertisements and such, about how you ought to look in the mirror; about how you might put your eyebrows on in the morning. You can do these things. and it’s wonderful; it’s fun to be alive! It’s fun to decorate yourself with clothing and paints and other things, there’s nothing wrong with that. But, when you start to see that as being who you are, that’s where the problem comes in, because now you’ve engaged in yet another illusion of separation.


Don’t wait on peace and don’t wait on love, it is there already, acknowledge it now. You are the peace that you are seeking. You are the love that you are seeking. You are the good health that you are seeking. You have everything contained within you, and if ever there was a year to understand that, this is the one. Sit my dear friends and receive that tenderness now. Allow for it to land upon your heart, to move through the blood in your veins.


When you engage in your political discussions and such, strive to see these candidates as being human beings. They are temporary at the very best with the mark that they leave upon planet. They can work as hard as they want (to create changes), but we can tell you that there is a big well oiled machine running the planet earth from the outside in.

But, there is also an energy at work right now that is so much bigger than that. Tenderness that wants to come to the planet to give everybody a big hug, is going to be employed, and you will find that it is going to change the world.

No one will be immune to it, and that means even your heads of nations will not be immune to it. They will feel that tenderness. People who are carrying anger, frustration with the world, a desire to be at the top of the heap wanting to control, wanting to be the one in charge, wanting to be the one who makes the change — the tenderness that will alight upon the earth is going to touch these people, and to them it’s going to feel like pain. They’re not used to it; not used to tenderness, and it will become a point of frustration, and a calling upon their heart. “What do I do with the tenderness? I can’t stand it! It’s making my hardness melt; it is making my bitterness change!” And some of these individuals will soon see themselves, they will be revealed to themselves, and that’s going to be the toughest part of all. Because once they look at the mirror and they see this person there who is truly lovable and who really doesn’t have to work so hard, and really can’t create change from the outside in, but only from the inside out, that will be what you call in your English language a “mind blower,” God bless you, indeed.

And then, my dear friends, that is the time for the prayers to come into effect because some of these individuals will not be able to remain upon the earth because they cannot understand how to be on the earth with tenderness around them and within their heart.

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