Things That Go Bump in the Night

Oct 12, 2014

In case you missed the recent Facebook post about Frankenstein (the name attributed more often to the monster, rather than the eccentric scientist), that my Administrator, Kelly, put online, here it is. I am personally not a fan of Halloween, so when I saw the title of this post I at first moaned. First of all, I’d forgotten that I’d channeled a CD many years ago called “Things That Go Bump In the Night” in which Dr. Peebles talked about Frankenstein, Dracula and other assorted characters. I proceeded with caution to read the post, not really wanting to enter that creepy world. However, what I read absolutely touched my heart, and put a unique spin on what it means to be Frankenstein the monster. Leave it to Dr. Peebles to provide us with alternative ways of thinking that always help us to surrender more deeply into our hearts and learn to love the seemingly unlovable. Enjoy!

–Summer Bacon

“Dear Frankenstein is a beautiful spirit, with a heart of gold, and certainly did not know his own strength of touch. He was, my dear friends, a representative of the strength of touch, of God’s love. The incredible magnificence that can come through one touch, God bless you indeed. But unfortunately, not knowing his own strength, he did have a habit of accidentally killing individuals. Is he real? My dear friends, shall we leave that to your imagination?

“We would say that Frankenstein is very real, for you already know who we are talkin’ about, don’t you? Anything you can imagine, my dear friends, exists. All thoughts are things. Frankenstein walking the Earth? Not necessarily the character himself, but representatives thereof, yes. There are the many rather that the few individuals upon the planet Earth with very sad, very dark appearance, with scars upon their face, a little bit too large for their form, a little bit too heavy handed. Perhaps even, my dear friends, not necessarily the smartest cookie in the cookie jar. Not aware of how hard they traipse the Earth. Not aware, my dear friends, why human beings are afraid of them. And all they want is to love and be loved, to touch and be touched.

“There are the many rather than the few. These really are giants among men in terms of their physical shape and size. And they are terribly misunderstood. They are amongst you; they are in your grocery stores. They are the ones that people laugh at. They are the ones who are called ‘weak.’ They are the ones who are called ‘stupid.’ They are the ones, my dear friends, who are called ‘shy.’ They are the ones, who oftentimes, my dear friends, become murderers, become rapists, become those things that go bump in the night in the human form. They are individuals, human beings, who are indeed worthy of love, worthy of your attention. Because, my dear friends, all they want is the very same as anyone else: to feel the sensitivity that comes from someone’s outstretched arms wrapped around them.”

~Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon
Excerpt from “Things That Go Bump In The Night”

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