Let God Handle It!

Feb 23, 2013

My dear friends, every time that you are, if you will, under attack by the world, and you start thinking hateful thoughts towards each other, you are hurting yourself. It is a challenge for you. Yes, we understand it’s not easy being in the body; it is not easy being upon this school called Planet Earth. But, my dear friends, you are here, you are alive, you are a conduit of change, and it starts within yourself. How often do you awaken in the morning and realize that you are alive? Do you really think about it? Every breath that you take: are you aware what a gift that is, in and of itself? Do you realize that if you can hear my voice you have a tremendous gift? You have ears to hear! If you can see the body of the channel here, you have a tremendous gift of sight. And it is your choice as to how to use these gifts, these remarkable, if you will, gifts from God in your life, in your world. It is up to you! You are the conduit of change, starting with yourself. So when you awaken in the morning do you awaken and say, “Oh how nice, I just took a breath! I’m in the body! How fabulous to be alive! I’m so excited to start my day and see what God has for me?” Or do you, my dear friends say, “Oh dear, I woke up. Oh no, another day?” If you say the latter, you are setting the stage for a day of misery, and it’s not anybody’s fault but your own, because it is through your choices and your perceptions that you create your own reality.

Letting God handle it, means looking inside of yourself and understanding the God that you are. God exists within you. God’s love is there and ever present and you find countless ways to push it away, to hold it at arm’s length, to not acknowledge it, to not experience it in your life. My dear friends, whether or not you are, if you will, ironing a shirt, whether or not you suddenly received a winning lottery ticket, to us it is all the same. Every experience that you have has the identical promise of God’s love within it, and it is up to each one of you to acknowledge that. If you are sad, my dear friends, nobody did it to you; it is your choice. If somebody does something that hurts you, somebody has stolen your property, somebody has, if you will, wielded a weapon against you, it does not mean that you have to be willing to yet succumb to the pain, to the sadness, to the hatred. It is not necessary; you have choices. Is it difficult? Yes! And, many of the challenges upon your earth are remarkable challenges! And, there are remarkable people who are up for the challenges. There are remarkable people who can find ways in which to turn their sights and attention to God in the darkest of moments, and still feel that light of hope, that ray of understanding, that awareness that God’s love never, never disappears.

Letting God handle it, means that you’re going straight to the source. You are going straight to love. God is not creating the adversarial situations in your life. You’re doing that through your own free will, human being to human being. Each and every one of you is in charge. Each of you are a steward of God’s love.

-Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon © April 2012

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