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Drink in this beautiful soul sustaining message, for little more than the cost of a fancy cup of coffee! It's peaceful and profound, and its energizing effects last longer than caffeine! Know that you are LOVE. Everything is contained within you, and this particularly clear, soft and soothing message from Dr. Peebles explains why. Plus, he guides us through an exercise that helps to make this truth self-evident! In this message you will learn: You are more in charge of your life than you think; How to feel your dearly departed loved ones; Yes, you are worthy of God's love; Plus, a special energetic healing from a special visitor; and so much more!
Unleash your greatest potential! In this beautiful message, Dr. Peebles speaks about: How to more deeply connect to and live your greatest potential (includes two beautiful guided exercises to help you do this); How to connect more deeply with God and Spirit; How and why to stop the negative voices; How we create health issues;The issue of compliance; and so much more!  
“Honor yourself and you honor all of creation.” —Dr. Peebles    The world is filled with people crying out more than ever for attention, wanting their perspective to be heard and acknowledged as the “right” one, or the “right” way. In this fascinating message, Dr. Peebles speaks about this, and the uprising of various “truths” that we are being bombarded with each day. How are we to navigate a world that demands compliance on so many different levels, and on levels with which we may not agree? This is a beautiful lesson that can help you navigate everyday life with greater ease. Dr. Peebles speaks about: What is Truth?; The uprising of Truth in the world today; What is YOUR Truth?; The ridiculous human habit that many of us have; How external issues are really issues that are within us; A guided healing exercise that begins within; How to create world peace; What are the “greater truths and awarenesses” of which Dr. Peebles speaks in his opening statement?; How to understand and send love to those who are difficult for us to understand and love  
What’s around the corner? Do you really want to know? A straight forward message from Dr. Peebles in which he speaks about: Nuclear war; US Presidential election; A simple way to get rid of negative thoughts,and change negative predictions (outcomes) for the world; We are family — are we dysfunctional?; How to stay strong in Love even when it is difficult; Why everything is necessary; You’re just a human being (and what that really means); How and why to listen to the still, small voice within; Nature wins; Make a wish! (Dr. Peebles will guide you how to do it!);…and so much more!!!
“Let me tell you about the Great Creator that you are…” — Dr. Peebles Yes, you can! This is a deep diving, profound teaching that emphasizes how and why we are “students of the Divine”—“students of creation itself”—“students of the greatest creator of all—the Grand Supreme Being—the God of Love!” In this teaching you will learn how to take charge of your life’s lessons; learn what communication really is; what the best prayer is; why and how to let life in; how to free yourself from anger, stress, anxiety and pain; how to change your reality.. Dr. Peebles also talks about predictions: why Spirit can’t tell you the exact outcome of anything, ever. It’s a fascinating perspective!
Do you REALLY know who you are? This is an incredibly important and poignant message from Dr. Peebles. Now, more than ever, it is time to develop your own personal relationship and communication with God and Spirit. In this message Dr. Peebles Speaks about:How to live and abide in your own truth; You can't kill off the things that you don't like; How do you create your identity of Self? Are you comfortable being you?; You are enough as you are; Your amazing body: learn from it, love it, honor and respect it; Sleep: how it happens! (And, why it is the purest form of prayer.); How to step into each day with total trust; The most important meal of the day; WWIII and the upcoming US election; The true "weapons of mass destruction"; What if there was a "finish line" to get to in life?; You ARE supported by God and Spirit (and how to feel it); How to have a life of ease; How praying from your heart gets results!; ...and so much more!
"You contain great power within." --Dr. Peebles As the tension builds upon planet Earth, hold fast to your dreams. Stay true to yourself and your heart. Don't give up on yourself by giving into the masses. Life is always going to change, but don't let it rip your precious dreams out of your heart. Continue to believe in goodness, peace and love. Life has purpose and meaning. "Get to know the true you." Reclaim your spirit. In this wonderful, soothing message, Dr. Peebles speaks about: Upcoming events on earth (anarchy?) and what to do; Your intuition will deepen--how to embrace it; An exercise on how to contact the dearly departed with ease; An exercise on how to transform anger into peace (and more); The seasons of the soul; How to find the greater love within the moment, no matter how difficult the moment may be; Making peace with an abusive/hurtful upbringing; It's okay to "try";...and so much more!
"Don't work yourself to pieces. Work yourself to peace." Another uplifting and empowering session! Dr. Peebles answers questions about: Climate change (does it exist? what is it?); Energy attunements and initiations; What Jesus thinks about what's going on in the world; Must we ask for forgiveness?; How does heaven operate without money?; The best way to pray; Alzheimer's; The power of 3; How to follow your heart in making decisions; Animal rescue: how do they feel about it; Suicide and Euthanasia; The Akashic Records...where are they?; Distance it works; how to do it...and so much more!
"I am the center of the storm! I am the peace within it!" It's all energetics! In this message, Dr. Peebles speaks about: How you give away your power, and how to stop; You have every right to be you; How you are attuning yourself to life at all times, and how to work with that; How to work with your body, and use it to feel Spirit communication; There is no "perfect you" to become; Life is about learning; Does the guru at the top of the mountain have all the answers?; Beautiful guidance in knowing "Truth"; Time for sleep? Here's how to embrace it; You can feel the energy of the mighty oak tree (and why you might want to); The future of technology; and so much more!
Life is to be lived, not tolerated! We are learning, growing beings on this school called Planet Earth. This Dr. Peebles Speaks Q&A session is a great education that helps us to heal on every level in mind, body and spirit, thanks to your wonderful questions. What is real strength?; How we can we trust and heal after trauma and abuse; How to not take on other people’s anger and pain; When/how we will move out of this difficult time period on earth; Will chronic disease ever be eradicated?; How free will exists everywhere…even in the molecules of our body; How much we influence our physical development in the womb; A beautiful nighttime prayer that we can say; Healing relationships with people who are in the afterlife; How our dearly departed can stay engaged with us in everyday activities; Earth’s portals and how they are created; Gender fluidity: the meaning of it and karmic influences; and so much more!