Enjoy the many inspiring interviews with Summer Bacon and her Hosts. Invite Summer to be a guest on your show or podcast!. Contact Summer at

Consciousness of the Way Podcast, with
San Qing
San Qing
Summer Bacon & Dr. Peebles, with Tania Stanly – Celestevolve
In this eye-opening episode of the Celestevolve Podcast, host Tania Stanly sits down with Summer Bacon, the channeler for the renowned spirit guide Dr. Peebles. Together, they explore groundbreaking insights into health and healing that could revolutionize your understanding of wellness!
Summer Bacon & Dr. Peebles, with Lisa Wetsel – Akashic Records Consultant
Explore the mysteries of the universe as Summer shares her experiences of connecting with spirits, visiting other dimensions, and discovering profound truths. For those curious about spiritual connections and the mystical, this episode provides not just answers but also inspiration. Gain insights into the nature of reality, the interconnectedness of all beings, and how love serves as the ultimate force of the universe.
Dr. Peebles: Break Soul Contracts and Liberate from Karma
Dr. Peebles Predicts MANKIND’S Great CHANGE in 2024
Summer Bacon is a spiritual teacher and has been a Trance Medium for the beautiful spirit of Dr. James Martin Peebles since 1994. She first met Dr. Peebles in 1989 through Trance Medium Thomas Jacobson [To Dance with Angels, by Don & Linda Pendleton]. When Thomas quit channeling, she decided that she did not want to lose her connection with Dr. Peebles, and proceeded to set out to “find” him with her heart.
Summer Bacon and Bracha Goldsmith – Channeling Conversation
Bracha Goldsmith, astrologer, channeler, author, financial adviser, musician, spiritual coach, has been practicing astrology for over 40 years.
Over 6 years ago, she began channeling the Pleiadians, a group of loving, joyous beings who share meaningful and uplifting messages.
Trance Channeling Q&A with Summer Bacon + Dr. Peebles + Bracha Goldsmith
By popular demand, I am delighted to announce that expert channeler, medium, trance coach, author, mystic, Summer Bacon has agreed to come back!! In the December 2021 Q&A chat, Summer and Bracha will discuss how to distinguish spiritual messages, boundaries, science and spirituality as they address some of the questions in the live chat. We hope that this useful advice will help you navigate through the current changes on the planet and your relationship with the world! If you are watching the replay of the live stream,
Trance Channeling Q+A with Summer Bacon + Bracha Goldsmith
In the August 2021 Q+A chat, Summer and Bracha discussed how to clear and shift the energetic space as well as channeling. Summer Bacon has been a Trance Medium for the beautiful spirit, Dr. Peebles since December 4, 1994, and is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. A natural-born mystic, Summer was eleven months old when she had her first awareness of herself as a spiritual being, and consciously decided, “I’m going to find out what this truth thing is about once and for all.
Special Treat! Interview with Summer Bacon, Trance Medium and mystic
It is a great honour to have the wonderful Summer Bacon in person on my channel! She is a trance medium, spiritual teacher, mystic, writer, graphic designer, to name but a few of her talents.
Channeling | Conversation with Summer Bacon
Many of you have asked to meet my wonderful channeling teacher, Summer. We didn’t realise we were being recorded for most of these clips.
Dancing with Infinity x Summer Bacon EP11
A natural-born mystic and internationally renowned spiritual teacher, Summer Bacon has been a Trance Medium for the beautiful spirit, Dr. James Martin Peebles (1822-1922) since December 4, 1994.