Dr. Peebles

Timeless Guidance
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You have the power within to create magnificent change.
Excerpt from December 2017 Open SessionDr. Peebles through Summer BaconSo...
Sweet Surrender
NOTE: This is from a conversation that Dr. Peebles had with my father in...
Excerpts from January 2016 open session
Stop, my dear friends, believing the words of your advertisements and...
A Grateful Life
A Grateful LifeDr. Peebles through Summer Bacon [Excerpt from September...
You came to this school called planet Earth
Excerpt from November 2014 Open SessionDr. Peebles through Summer Bacon...
Things That Go Bump in the Night
In case you missed the recent Facebook post about Frankenstein (the name...
Your Wildest Dreams
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon[Excerpt from May Seasons of the Soul:...
Grief & The Understanding of Grieving
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon • November, 2006 We are here today in an...
Let God Handle It!
My dear friends, every time that you are, if you will, under attack by...
To Remember Your Dreamtime Contact With Spirit Guides
Light a candle at your bedside.* Sit still and look at the flame. Speak...
How Can I Increase My Psychic Abilities?
Here's an exercise you can do to prove to yourself that you are already a...
Washing Dishes
(A Lesson In Patience) "Wash your dishes by hand, it’s lovely. Put your...