How to fill up your cup after a busy day

Sep 27, 2023

When you are exhausted after a great demonstration of yourself in the world, and you come out and say, “Goodness Gracious! I have nothing left to give!” well, it’s true! You need to fill up your cup so it can then again runneth over the next day.

So, sit in a chair, close your eyes, breathe deeply into your spine, and feel outside of your physicality. Your aura is so expansive, and at the end of a day when you have shared yourself with the world, you need to bring your aura field a bit closer to the body. Bring your energy back in.

When you are reaching out to the world, when you are expressing yourself with love, your aura grows and grows and grows. But then you need to bring it (your aura) back into the body. Take in a nice deep breath. Imagine your aura being like a giant balloon around you, and it’s slowly deflating. But the air that’s in the balloon, as it deflates, is going into your spirit and you get all full up again so that, tomorrow, you can go into the world and connect with life in extraordinary ways.