Angelic wisdom and more…

Jun 6, 2019

Incarnate within every human being there is angelic wisdom. Sometimes it’s locked away; sometimes you do not want to look at it because you are so busy being hurt, so busy being tired, and so busy being afraid. You are so busy with your worry that you don’t even have the chance, the opportunity to see the angels that you are. You contain angelic wisdom: it’s right there inside of your heart. Stop, breathe, in a moment of uncertainty and ask yourself the question: “What am I really seeking here? What is it that I really want to gain? Is it money? Is it a home? Is it a lover? Is it a friend?” My dear friends, there is one thing that you seek in every opportunity and that is love. And that is angelic wisdom, and it is contained there within your mortal heart.

Out of hate always, always is born love. You can hold onto hate as long as you like, lifetime after lifetime, year after year, day after day, minute by minute. “I am angry, and I hate you.” But, my dear friends, you are not strong enough to hold back love. You can try, but at long last love will win. That is what truly wants to surface from your heart. Hate will always turn to love, be it after centuries, or be it after lifetimes upon the planet earth.


We see your questions as beautiful gifts unto us. Opportunities for exchange between spirit and mankind. We love the chance to relate to you and to hear how you relate to us. Your questioning often times teaches us! What we share here is just one perspective in the universe. You can ask Summer the very same questions, for example, and she would give you some very different answers. To us your questions feel like love. It doesn’t matter what you ask. We don’t care if you ask us whether we were watching you blowing bubbles! We love the opportunity to relate! That is what your questioning means to us.

Hold Me Near

Hold Me Near

It hits like a wave that knocks you down and drags you under, when you thought...

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