Casting Away Doubt

May 30, 2019

Excerpts from Lecture Series #27
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

…and, as the little seed sits in that place of wonder, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, in the most glorious of ways, it feels the touch of the rainwater that seeps into the earth, and the little seed has now been touched by inspiration. The little seed has been touched by God. “Hello, I am here! I have always been here. I have been gathering up the forces of the wind. I have been gathering up the forces to create beautiful and magnificent clouds. I have been gathering it all for you. For you I created the weather. For you I created the rain. For you, for your spirit, for your growth, for you to know your magnificence.”

And that water, that love of God, my dear friends, seeps into the little seed, and the little seed is filled; filled so much with that love, filled so much with that spirit that it pops right out of its shell, and it begins to grow. But it is not in the light yet. It is not in its enlightenment. It is in its growth, its journey of expansion, and it pushes its way up through the soil.

“There’s a stone in the way. Must find a way around the stone. Perhaps there’s no way around the stone!” Well, my dear friends, the little flower does not doubt. The little flower allows for that stone to be its guide. Bump!

“Oh, I’ve hit a stone. Let me push this way. Well, it’s still there. I still feel it but I’ll just simply keep moving.” And the stone becomes the guide for the flower to wind its way around the stone, to push its way up to the surface. It is drawn and attracted by the energy of the light, the light that is there that it cannot yet see, but the light that it feels in its heart. And it becomes thirsty, oh very thirsty. Does it doubt that it will have another drink? No, it stays the course. It focuses upon the business at hand, which is to continue the journey of growth and expansion as it pushes its way up through the soil. But it’s getting awfully thirsty, and just when it thinks, just for a second that it might not get a drink, suddenly it feels the cool sensation as God’s love—God’s liquid love—the nectar, the elixir of life, trickles through the soil down around the little flower that is forming, down to its roots. Ahhh…it drinks; it drinks hearty from that beautiful water.

Oh how glorious a sensation! How beautiful it feels! How magnificent! It has been touched by the will of God in a most tangible way. No doubt. No questioning. God’s love is real and divine.


You see, my dear friends, God does not give more than you are ready to receive. God does not force His hand upon you, does not force you to accept His love. He is patient and loving and wise and knowing. He guides and directs you in a way that is very beautiful, and for your highest benefit so that you can grow strong. And so, God knows that at times His absence, seemingly, in your life is necessary, but it doesn’t mean that you are forgotten. It doesn’t mean that He is not there or that He is not doing something for you. For in betwixt and in between the times of the little drinks offered to the thirsty little flower, God is preparing and paving the way. God is collecting the rain clouds and the winds. God is creating that which is for the highest benefit of the little flower.

And so, the little flower drinks hearty, does not die. The dirt is not washed away, and the little flower continues to push its way up through the soil, and it’s feeling a little bit more inspired now, now that it got around that stone. “Oops! there’s another one. Oh, here is even a more difficult one. It’s not just a little stone, it’s a rock! Now what am I going to do?” the little flower says. “Well, I guess I’ll do the same thing as I did before, but it’s going to take perhaps a little longer to get around this one, because it’s a little bigger of an obstacle. But I’ll let it be my guide towards the light.” And so, it pushes its way, using the rock as its guide, pushes its way around through the soil. And guess what, my dear friends? Suddenly there’s a breakthrough, a breakthrough literally on the surface of the soil, and there is a sense of warmth, a sense of peace. “I have made it. I have arrived. I am there. I am on the surface. I have come alive as never before.” And there it sits, just barely peeking out from the soil, feeling the light that is there, but not seeing it yet, and it basks in that warmth.

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Hold Me Near

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