You have the power within to create magnificent change.

Dec 22, 2017

Excerpt from December 2017 Open Session
Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

So be prepared, in the year of 2018 there are going to be a lot of wonderful things occurring. There are going to be groups of people gathering together, and they are going to be creating and generating wonderful pockets of energy around the earth, anchors of love. People who are going to decide that they are going to dispel the myths and the illusions of separation that are being created by governments, by television, and by other means, even methods that are not of this earth.

You are going to find that there are going to be wonderful people coming to the surface with lots of money in their pockets saying, “You know something, it doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. I’m going to take this money, and I’m going to create wonderful ways in which to clean up the oceans. I want to find ways to measure the magnetism that is in the atmosphere, and see how it is affecting the plants and the animals, etc.”

There are going to be some remarkable people coming to the forefront who are not going to be young but elderly, bringing gifts that will be beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations, such as scientific awarenesses that they have kept inside for decades, and are now going to share this at the end of their lives. Life is going back to the way things once were in terms of listening to your elders and realizing the tremendous, magnificent information that they have to share with you.  

There will be gatherings, there will be conferences, there will be meetings of like minded and like hearted people truly wanting to make some tremendous changes upon this school called planet earth, because they know that they are capable of it, and that there’s not too much else being done when it comes to the government.

Stop being so lax. Don’t think that it’s all about your politicians. They are just people. They are people who like power, they are people who like purpose. In their lives this often means money, and that often time means being in charge, being controlling, watching people grimace in pain and fright. Well, this sort of thing is going to start to come to an end, because humanity is much more vast than the politicians in your world. You have everybody here in this room, each and every one of you a student of the divine, fully awake when you come to the awareness that you are created in love from God, and it’s not a joke, it’s not something to discuss so much as it is something to act upon if you want to really create change.

You can spend the rest of you life wondering whether or not God and spirits are real, whether or not there is energy within every form around you, whether or not you have the capacity to share that energy with your own God given hands or not, but the reality is, the truth is, you have this within you. You have the power within to create magnificent change upon this school called planet earth

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