Writer, Naturopath, Doctor and Spiritual Minister

“Don’t hide yourself away, but give of yourself, your life, your heart, your thoughts and your opinions with compassion. Always put compassion into the equation.”

DR. JAMES MARTIN PEEBLES died in 1922 at the age of 99.9 years old. He was a prolific writer, a naturopath, medical doctor, and a Spiritualist minister. He traveled the world five times, healing, counseling and ministering to the masses. He was also a Civil War surgeon, and United States Consulate to Turkey.

About Summer Bacon


​”My mission is not to prove the existence of God and Spirit to anyone, but rather to help demystify mysticism in order to empower people to create their own relationship with God and Spirit.”

SUMMER BACON (her birth name) first met Dr. Peebles in 1989, through Trance Medium, Thomas Jacobson. When Thomas quit channeling, she decided that she did not want to lose her connection with Dr. Peebles, and proceeded to set out to “find” him with her heart.



Personal Assistant

​”The Universe is founded on music and mathematics. If you could hear the heavenly bodies as they travel the Universe you would hear beautiful tones emanating from each one.”

BEV SCOTT, Summer Bacon’s Personal Assistant and best friend since 1999, is now retired from 40+ years of transformational healing service, having helped thousands of people around the world. Although she no longer offers private healing sessions, she continues to pray and send healing energy to the world on a daily basis. 

Featured Books

Thought provoking daily quotes from Dr. Peebles

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful spirit called, Me…”

Relax, release, surrender, and enjoy the timeless guidance of the beautiful Spirit, Dr. Peebles. This book is packed with thought provoking daily quotes to help you navigate this weird and wonderful school called Planet Earth, as you journey to your heart. Breathe. As you read each quote, listen with your heart to God and Spirit. Write down your own beautiful thoughts and reflections on the blank pages included, and enjoy getting to know YOU.

The Autobiography of a Trance Medium

The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer

Excerpts from Review by Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite  …One of the most powerful mediums of our time tells her story…This is the story of a unique gift. The author is gifted with spiritual insight and can connect to memories of a life that is hard to believe is real…Follow her journey through supernatural phenomena, out-of-body experiences, powerful spiritual insights, encounters with aliens, remote viewing, and a lot more…

Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

This School Called Planet Earth

“There is a purpose to your life, and you will find it before you leave the Earth. There’s no way you can escape yourselves. Some have come here to finish karmic relationships. Some have come here to discover that there is beauty in ugliness and vice versa. Some have come here in an exploration of abundance and what this means. On and on the lessons go! The planet Earth is a canvas, you are the paintbrush and your heart is the paint with which you color the planet — with your words, with your hands, with your heart, with your hugs and with your kisses. God bless you, indeed! — Dr. James Martin Peebles”


I cannot begin to tell you how much you and Dr. Peebles have given me. I have learned so much from your partnership and I find great comfort in each session I have been fortunate to listen to. I send you great thanks and much love.

What I feel most, listening to the MP3 files is: "Oh, the Love!" ... extending throughout the universes.

Thank you very much for the session with Dr. Peebles. His messages moved me deeply, even to tears in places. I look forward to hearing the whole session again and writing it down from A - Z. The points he made are so very relevant and helpful for me to grow and develop further.

You are such an inspiration to me... you are one of my most treasured, favorite and transformative teachers and people I have been so blessed to meet in this lifetime!! Thank you for your ongoing work with Dr. P. I love you. You are WONDERFUL!!

I can never thank you enough for the way in which you helped me to open myself up to channeling. With your wealth of experience, your keen intuition, your constant connection with Spirit, my opening has happened at an extraordinarily quick pace. Your love, your humility and your encouragement means the world to me. — Bracha Goldsmith, Astrologer

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